
BASE aims to help young people in Dunedin to reach their full potential by helping them stay in school or training, find work, become healthier and find positive things to do!

The BASE directory of youth services was developed by the South Dunedin Social Sector Trial, also known as BASE.

The Social Sector Trial was an initiative of government, supported by the Ministries of Social Development, Education, Health, Justice and the NZ Police, that ran from 2013 to 2016. It had a focus on improving both outcomes for young people and collaborative working across Dunedin. The trial developed and implemented 2 action plans including a wide range of projects and initiatives for young people. A large part of the trial’s focus was to encourage young people to seek help for any issues or concerns they have for themselves or their friends as early as possible.

This directory has been developed to make it as easy as possible for young people to find help when they need it.

In 2016 Government decided to transition the trial (and trials across the country) from being government-led to becoming community-led.

Two streams of work have emerged in Dunedin:

  1. A working group to develop a long-term vision and strategy for young people in Dunedin which will be developed through a process of youth engagement, based on the Collaborating for Youth Success scoping exercise and report – click on the link for more details and the report:

  2. Establishment of the Youth Opportunities Dunedin charitable trust to provide a vehicle to maintain momentum for the raft of initiatives which make up the Dunedin Youth Employment Strategy which was developed by the trial and its partners, including:

For queries about this directory, please contact Connect South:

it@connectsouth.org.nz or call 03 471 6177

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